
What is this? is a tool to measure several loudness characteristics of your audio files.

For example, you can use this to validate whether a file‘s integrated loudness matches the EBU recommendation of -23 LUFS, or -16 LUFS when following AES streaming recommendations for music .

Is this free?

Yes, is and will remain free to use. Terms of Use do apply.

In the future, a more advanced version may become available at a premium. However, this will not have any influence on existing free functionalities.

Is this tool trustworthy? is developed based on the EBU/ITU documentation and based on internal tests the results are found to be accurate. Automated tests based on EBU/ITU test signals are in development, in order to guarantee correct measurements. If you do get faulty results, please do get in touch, as this application is still in development.

Audio files and their metadata are never uploaded, and are processed entirely on this device. No usage data is collected either, nor are any cookies used. Results are stored only on this device and can be cleared anytime via the browser settings when necessary.


Please get in touch if can be made more accessible for you or someone you know.